Michael Taglieri, CFP

Financial Advisor

Michael is a recognized financial educator, speaker and wealth advisor. His professional opinion has been featured in various national publications such as the Globe and Mail, The Report on Business, The Financial Post and Investment Executive.

As a wealth advisor, Michael specializes in helping multi-generational families and small business owners build and maintain sound financial and estate strategies. His business model is client-centric, which naturally led to the development of a Client Advisory Panel consisting of a representative group of clients whom Michael and his team work with regularly to shape and refine the client experience. His focus resides in helping clients navigate life’s transitions whether it be retirement, selling a business or planning the family legacy.

Michael is on the Board of Directors for the Prefix Institute of Contemporary Art. He is a member of The Estate Planning Council of Halton and a member of Advocis – The Financial Advisor Association.

He enjoys playing and studying guitar, as well as riding motorcycles.