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Business Name :Monique J. Charlebois Legal Services
Address :1540 Cornwall Road. Suite 205; Oakville, ON L6J 7W5
Monique Charlebois, LLB
Monique Charlebois is a sole proprietor in Oakville, providing legal services in both French and English exclusively in estates and guardianship matters. She administers estates, advises Canadian and foreign beneficiaries, guardians and trustees, and manages the property of incapable persons. Monique worked for over 20 years as Estates Counsel at the office of the Public Guardian and Trustee, where she developed considerable expertise in finding missing beneficiaries around the world, and administrating difficult or unusual estates, including grow-ops and oyster bed leases. She works with a network of service providers and agents in Ontario and elsewhere to “get it done” efficiently and cost-effectively. Monique has been a resident of Oakville for over 30 years. She was a member of the Advisory Committee to the Small Estates Project at the Law Commission of Ontario, and contributed many years of service on the Board and Executive of the Association of Law Officers of the Crown (ALOC).