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Business Name :Smith's Funeral Home
Address :485 Brant Street; Burlington, ON; L7R 2G5
Since :2024
Sarah Sunnucks
Estate professional
Sarah was born and raised in Stoney Creek where she attended Saltfleet High School before graduating with a counselling certificate from Heritage Bible College in Cambridge. She then enrolled in Humber College and graduated from the Funeral Service Education Program as a Licensed Funeral Director in 2012. She was awarded the Douglas H Holland award for her passion in the industry. Sarah also has a passion for peer support, not only for bereaved families but also for fellow funeral directors, and started the Hamilton and area chapter of Canadian Funeral Peer Support. She enjoys speaking about all things new in ‘green’ (environmentally-friendly) initiatives for funeral planning and believes in the value of educating people about their options when it comes to making important end-of-life decisions. She also assists families with our Aftercare Program and helps them through the application process for Canada Pension benefits. She joined Smith Funeral Home in July 2017 which is the only family owned funeral home in Burlington, and is also located in Grimsby and Stoney Creek.